Ryan and Jessica are the new parents of a baby girl!!! We are so excited for them!! :D Aubry Camryn Benelli Garrett was born Monday, June 10th, and forever became part of our hearts and lives Tuesday the 11th as Ryan and Jessica's adoption became official! Aubry was born 6 lbs 10 oz and 18 inches long! The birth mom named her Camryn, hence Ryan and Jessica used that name as part of her middle name.
Sweet Aubry...
Sweet loves from big sister!
So happy to be a big sister to another!
Sweet! :)
Lily was really in love and interested in baby Aubry! She was very gentle and didn't even steal her binkie which I was surprised! Wherever baby Aubry was, Lily wanted to be right by her!When Lily saw Jessica patting her back after feeding her, Lily started patting too! It'll be so fun for these two girls to grow up together! Sure they will be the best of friends!
Sweet kisses for Aubry!
A happy Nana!
And an extremely happy mama!
A bunch of cousins!
Love how Reid and Chet are gazing so sweetly at Aubry! We are all in love!
Coming back from Washington, we stopped in Portland to eat at the Olive Garden, yumm!! When our food was brought to the table I leaned over to the kids to remind them to pray for their food before they started eating. Reid was sitting next to me, and so I leaned over and told him, "Say thank you to God in your head." Meaning to pray quietly in his head instead of praying out loud together like we do at home. Reid very sweetly bowed his head, closed his eyes, and said very quietly out loud, "Say thank you to God in your head." It was so sweet and so funny, I couldn't help but start laughing! How sweet the prayers from children's lips must be to God!
Victoria B., my second cousin graduated from high school on June 17th! The whole Burgess clan came to help celebrate, and so we all jetted up to the Seattle area to be with all of them! We absolutely loved our time there!! I have always looked up to my cousins since I was a little girl; they are such a nice, fun bunch!
The kids had such a fun time playing with all of their cousins! Victoria and Lily were the only girls! The Burgess' are dominated by boys, and boy did they all have fun together!
Wade, Andrea, Micah, Luke and Brett..
Our little family..
Troy, Beth, Joe and Danny..
Aunt Gerry and Andrea..
Victoria and Lily, who share the same middle name of Jane!
We loved going to Zoe's kindergarten graduation June 11th! Ryan and Jessica were down in Utah getting their newest addition (!) so we loved being Zoe's photographer, and cheerleader as she performed songs and such for us! It was really cute! This fall, these will be Zane's teachers and classroom!
With Mrs. Hummer, the teacher's aide...
With one of Zoe's teachers and her good friend Amelia...
Getting her 'dipolma!'
Performing 'Special, special, special me.' Which is forever stuck in my head!
The week before Chet and Zoe got out of school, Kaia, Zane and Reid went with Papa and Nana to Post Falls convention!! The kids were so excited to see Uncle Curtis and Auntie Angie who were also there! They had such a good time! What better place for them to be and love to go to than convention! :)
Papa with his kiddos! Papa and Reid are connected at the hip, so Reid was very happy the whole time with Papa by his side!
Goofy boy!
With Auntie Angie and baby bump! Cannot wait to meet him or her the middle of August!!!
So sweet!
They had lots of fun goofing around with Uncle Curtis!
At one of the school auctions we go to throughout the year we won a ride in a firetruck to school!! The kids absolutely loved riding to school in style! How cool is that?!
We had so much fun celebrating Reid's 3rd birthday, Sunday, June 2nd!! Reid wanted a race car cake! Zoom, zoom! And for his special birthday lunch he chose, layered jello squares, pancakes, and sausage! Yumm!
Reid is such a fun, lovable, energetic, goofy boy! He is by far our goofiest kid, and yet he is so sweet! We love him SO, SO much!!!!
Yah! Reid's THREE!! He is very much enjoying being an 'official big boy!'
Our cute bunch! I wonder what Will was doing behind my back to make the kids laugh so?! ;D