Monday, September 17, 2012

Zane is going to Preschool!!!

Zane was SOOOO excited to start preschool on September 10th!! He was so ecstatic that he was jumping up and down! So cute! I think he is happy to be going to school like big brother Chet!

My two big school boys! (not sure why Chet wasn't smiling)

Zane is such a sweet little boy!

On their first day of preschool, they were supposed to bring a special stuffed animal to share with the class.  Zane chose his beaver because he said, "We are the same.  He is a beaver, and I am a beaver!" =D

Playing before school starts!  Zane is adjusting so amazingly good! Preschool is going to be the best thing for him! He had a rough couple days at first, but is really enjoying being at school, and cannot wait to go back each day! So glad that we are doing preschool to make the transition into kindergarten easier for him!

Cousin Kaia is also going to the same preschool! While they aren't in the same class, they are "neighbors" so it's fun knowing that each other is there at the same time!

Reid has really been wanting to go to school too with Zane! He started crying when I told him it was time to go! But, we are having so much fun at home together!  It's fun to get some special bonding time with Reid, Lily and I!
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