Monday, August 18, 2008

Wedding Time!

This weekend, Chet and Zoe were in a wedding for Andrew, one of the boys that works with Will and Ryan! Chet was the ring bearer, and Zoe was the flower girl! It was soooo cute! Zoe didn't quite make it to the front, I think she got people shy, and was also hungry and hot..not a good combo! She looked sooo cute in her flower girl dress though! Chet did make it up the aisle, and did such a good job! He held the little pillow so nicely, and looked sooo cute in his little outfit! Daddy and mommy, (and everybody else) were quite entertained by him! While standing up front, he started playing with the ribbon on the pillow, and started flinging the pillow around in circles by holding onto the ribbon, then he spied a cool stick on the ground, and stooped down to pick that up, and also had fun playing with his matchbox car (an insentive to make it up the aisle!) It was all really cute! Yah for Zoe and Chet!!