Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lambs and Laughs!!

We had such a fun day today!! We went over to see the OSU lambing in Corvallis with Martha and her boys, and Jessica and her girls! There were so many cute, cute baby lambs, some of them just born! It was really neat, and the kids loved it! It was so sweet to hear all the baby lambs baaing, and their mama's answering back! I love how they eat...on their knees...a good spiritual comparison of going on our knees to get bread. There were some girls there too doing something to the lambs, and when the baby lambs were released, they would run baaing for their mama's, and the mama would baa back and they would find each other! The moms knew her baby's cry. So nice to think that God knows our cry. After the lambing, we went to eat at a pizza parlor that had a Huge play place, all enclosed that the kids had SO much fun playing in! What a fun day with cousins!

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