Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Scouting for elk!

After preps last Saturday we headed up to the mountains to check the trail cameras, and scout around! It is always so fun to be in the mountains, and am sure that as the boys get older and older we will be spending more and more time there! So fun!! (the elk tore up the ground here in this pict!)

An elk rub!

The sun was glaring right in their faces, but I love Chet's cheese here! =)

Right next to a trail camera...can you see it?! The sun was in their faces again, but I love daddy's smile here! =)
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Amy said...

Sounds like you might be scouting for cougars these days too...right in your backyard! Scary!

Aunt Gerry said...

I'm so glad you're keeping up your blog, Shelley. It seems Facebook has taken alot of people's attention. Glad to see the nice pictures of your boys, and their Grandma!