Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Baby Shower for baby sister!

I have the best sister-in-law ever! (the other one is wonderful too!) Jessica put on an amazing baby shower brunch for baby sister! It was so nice to be together with all the ladies from our field! The food was absolutely delicious, and the fellowship sweet! Thank you SO much Jessica!!

Nancy, Jessica, and I

Jessica always has such good ideas! The hand print on the far left is Will's, and the one on the far right is mine, and then the fingerprints or thumb prints are from all the ladies that were there! Then, there's a spot in the middle to put a picture of baby!

I am still dreaming about the yummy food! Blueberry french toast with blueberry syrup, fruit kebabs, blackberry scones, quiche, bacon, and many more delicious things!

A few of the ladies!
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Sue said...

I heard from Mitch that you now have Lily Jane in your arms. Will look forward to updates along the way.
Enjoy your new bundle of joy.
Your friend, Sue

jessica said...

It was a blast doing the shower. Have another baby and I'll do another one for you! ;)