Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Strawberry Parade Weekend!

We were thoroughly entertained before the annual Strawberry Parade, June 1st this year! ;D

 Such a cutie!

Our group! It was so nice to be with everyone!

Lily scooted right next to Lisi and sat down for the longest time! It was so cute!

Nana and her little girl!

Later that day, Chet had his piano recital in Lebanon.  There are five kids learning musical instruments under Mrs. Tyler!  Chet, Zoe, Maren W., and Allen and Lisi B. They all did so good!



Part of the group...

Cute! Notice Chet's short-cropped hair! He picked up a lice bug at school...Yuck!! But the best thing about boys is that you can just shave their heads! Perfect and easy solution! And now we are lice free, Yippee!

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